Friday, June 27, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

my sister, my muse, my model

charcoal on paper
13 1/2 " x 17 "
property of Vic H.

Friday, June 13, 2008

pastel demonstration

me doing a demonstration of pastel portraiture during a group exhibition.


Lunar cycle / Cycle lunaire
oil on canvas / huile sur toile
16" x 20"
$ 600. can.

Red tide, flows, life, blood, pain, pleasure, death...
The power of the female divine.

La marée rouge, qui jaillit, la vie, le sang, la douleur, le plaisir, la mort...
Le pouvoir du divin féminin.

Young girl and dolls

Young girl sleeping / Jeune fille endormie
pastel on paper /pastel sur papier
10.5 " x 15.5 "
collection Mme. et Mr. Laramée

Can you see me now?

Revelation / Dévoilé
pastel on paper / pastel sur papier
12 1/2" x 17 1/2"
$ 275. can. ( framed-encadré )

Discovering a wonderful source of power and pleasure.

A la découverte d'une merveilleuse source de puissance et de plaisir.

Access denied / Accès interdit

pastel on paper
17 1/2" x 23 1/2 "
wood frame and glass
donated to the Women's Support Network of York Region, Ontario

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pin-up art

I'm in a mood for something more of myself, i mean that i want to create art that comes from me, that allows for more creativity on my part.
Since i totally love symbolist art, i thought i'd try and combine it with my painting style and see where that brings me. Also, i really want to paint pin-up art. I have already started a couple of portraits with the pin-up genre in mind and i'm feeling good about it so i'll eventually post the pics.