Friday, January 18, 2008

Project idea and call out


Since coming back to my art, i've been concentrating my efforts on producing a series of pieces around the idea of vaginas, more specifically, the voices of women through the vagina. What can i say, i am SO in awe of Eve Ensler's * Vagina Monologues * and what it says to me as a woman that i just had to lend my voice.

Soon, this present project will be completed and i'm already looking at creating another. I'm hoping to assemble a group of women interested in putting together an Art Show. I don't yet have all the details but i would like to make it so that a small percentage of all sales went to a Women's Shelter. Any women artist who come across this blog, please do not hesitate in contacting me as i'm certain we can work together to bring this idea to fruition. For the sake of understanding; i'm in the province of Quebec and would work with any woman ( any self-identified woman ) in the province or in Canada.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

In my new studio

Well, it's been about two weeks or so since i've been in a position to paint given that we just moved in and had sooooooo much boxes to unpack and get an electrician to come by and install four sets of neons for my studio.

Today, i finally took the day to resume painting, what joy. I worked on two paintings that i had begun before our move and started a new pastel. As soon as they are done, i will post them on this blog.

I'm thinking that i might stop the series on vaginas at ten or twelve because i'm simply not sure what will become of them once the exhibit in march is over; will they sell, will they collect dust, lol.

I'm starting to go out for short walks and am taking photos of the landscape around our mountain home, the area is simply breathtaking with it's mountains, forests and lakes. I'm told that tourists invade the area every summer and so i'm thinking it would be nice to have some landscape pieces ready.

Lert me hear from you, what you think of my art, what you'd like to see and any comments about art in general.
