Sunday, April 19, 2009

My art featured for an article

This week, i was asked by the organizers of the Rochester Ny Erotic Arts festival for permission to use the image of my painting " Burlesque " for an article in the Rochester Insider Magazine.

Life is good.


A revue of my art by Art of Love Mag


I guess when life is good, one should share and this is what i'm doing. Not only has my art been showcased in many excellent venues for erotic art lately but now an online erotic arts magazine who also specializes in doing revues/critiques of erotic art has written a positive article with a half dozen images of my art.

Please check it out.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Giclées of " Night's sweet reward " will be one sale soon in two sizes; 14 3/4" x 18 1/2" for $195. and 6 1/2" x 8 1/4" for $50. . All are limited edition prints, signed and numbered on museum quality 500g french watercolor paper. Order yours as the first batch is small in numbers. Contact here or at:


 Des giclées de mon tableau " Night's sweet reward " sont en vente en édition limiter et signées de ma main sur papier aquarelle français de 500g, qualité musée.Les grandeurs disponibles sont; 14 3/4" x 18 1/2" pour $195.  et 6 1/2" x 8 1/2"  pour $50. .Commandez le votre ici ou à:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rochester NY Erotic Arts festival 2009

Great news!

Three of my paintings have been selected by jury to be part of the Rochester N.Y. Erotic Arts festival, april 25-26, 2009.
The paintings are: Damned, Burlesque and Private dancer.

If anyone goes to the show, please give me some feedback.
